Our Clients: U/HNWI, Companies, Family Offices

Since 1993, our experts have been providing security advice to individuals, families, groups, corporate clients, SME´s as well as family foundations and family offices around the world.

Your outsourced personal Chief Security Adviser

With our HNWI & Family Office Premium Services we focus on an exclusive group of clientele, which is exposed in public due to professional activities, family history and wealth, or due to general public interest.

It is our company philosophy not to reveal any references or customer names at any time or under any circumstances; without exception!

Due to the fact that we serve a very exclusive clientele, this approach is absolutely necessary. This approach guarantees absolute confidentiality for all existing and new customers.

High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) Risk Mitigation & Protection.

Life Demands Perfection.

We are a company of high integrity, scale and reach. Since 1993, our experts have been providing security advice to individuals, groups, corporate clients and family offices around the world.

Everything we do in identifying risks, protection strategies, operational security or background checks has to be perfect. This is what we stake our reputation on, because Life Demands Perfection.
